Resurrected Living
"What are you going to do with your new resurrected life? This is the heroic question." Richard Rohr

Archive for January 2014

A Christian Criterion for Evaluating Movies

January 30, 2014

How do we choose what we should or should not watch? How do we determine whether a film is worthwhile? How do we evaluate a movie once we have seen it? I believe these are all important questions we should think about. In this post I hope to set forth a criterion for how Christians […]

Should Christians Watch R-Rated Movies

January 29, 2014

If you are a regular reader of this blog, then you know I watch and review R-rated films. I do not watch all R-rated films. There are films released that I find to be inappropriate, blasphemous, and simply not worth watching, but I do not allow an R-rating to be the litmus test for whether […]

Preaching From the Poets

January 28, 2014

It is interesting to compare the sermons and speeches that are found within the book of Acts. Throughout the book the apostles and others speak to two different groups of people. Sometimes a sermon will be delivered in front of a Jewish audience, but other times the audience is comprised of Gentiles. The Christians who […]


January 25, 2014

Should a Christian Watch R Rated Films? Alissa Wilkinson offers a lengthy but well reasoned defense of why Christianity Today reviews R rated movies. I have thought a lot about this question myself, and contemplated writing a blog post on it (which I may still do). Wilkinson does a good job handling this touchy subject. […]

Best Films of 2013

January 14, 2014

2013 presented us with some magnificent films. Most of these gems did not have big budgets, nor did they set records at the box office. You may have even missed them on their short and often limited release in theaters, and yet these are the films that matter. This list of films is not comprised […]

Relying on a Routine

January 13, 2014

Preaching is a creative process. A preacher spends each week in the Biblical text and then creates a sermon based on and inspired by the text of Scripture. Good preachers are creative. They understand Scripture, but they also understand how to convey Scripture to people setting in the pews. They understand how to apply Scripture […]

The Importance of Conversations

January 10, 2014

Part of being human is having conversations and part of living in community is conversing with one another. The conversations we have matter. Most of us cannot go a day without having a conversation, but what kind of conversations are we having? What are they about? What is the content of these conversations? We have […]

I’m Pressing On

January 2, 2014

One of my favorite books in the New Testament is Philippians and one of my favorite passages from that book is found in chapter 3. Paul writes, Not that I have already obtained this or have already reached the goal; but I press on to make it my own, because Christ Jesus has made me […]

A New Year

January 1, 2014

The word calendar is not found in Scripture, but the idea is found all over the place. In Exodus 12 when Israel is given instructions regarding how to observe the Passover it is evident that they understand days and months and the concept of recorded time. The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in the […]